You can smell your breath
False. Many believe they can smell their own breath odor by smelling the back of their wrist or cupping their hands between their mouth and nose. Unfortunately, you cannot tell if your breath smells because everybody tends to get used to their own odor. How can we tell if our breath smells? One of the best ways is to have a child smell it for you.
You can always smell your body odor
False. The majority can smell the odor emanating from their armpits or feet, but people who suffer from fecal or musty body odor have no idea they have these grotesque scents. The only way they notice unusual something is when they reenter a room they just left or by the insensitive comments of the people around.
Mouthwashes and breath mints are effective in eliminating halitosis
False. They only cover the problem temporarily. Mouthwashes containing alcohol exacerbate the problem because they dry out the mouth and in that way increase the possibility of having breath odor. Bacteria responsible for creating bad breath grow much better in dry environment.
Brushing the teeth frequently will help disappear breath smell
False. Brushing a lot dries the mouth, and can destroy the teeth and gums over time. People can have an excellent oral hygiene, however, still be unsuccessful at eradicating halitosis. Odor causing bacteria hide deep in the tongue under a layer of mucus or protein. This is why it is so important to use a tongue scraper. But also halitosis can come from the putrefaction of protein into sulfur gases in the colon. The gases are absorbed through the intestinal wall into the blood. From the blood it goes to the lungs, and from the lungs in the mouth. So if the microflora is unbalance, the smell will persist not matter what you do.
Halitosis is a hereditary condition
False. There is not a bad breath gene, but everybody has a predisposition to a sickness like allergy, heart disease, breast cancer, etc, or a hereditary shape of the tongue that can contribute to smelly breath. Tongues that have a long central groove or tongues that are hairy can cause the tongue to trap more odor-causing bacteria.
Halitosis or body odor do not come from the internal organs,
only from the mouth
False. Smell the mouth of somebody who has stomach, lung, liver or kidney cancer. Actually the smell can come from a deteriorated organ or a deteriorated function of the body.
Smelly gas is normal
Gas is made mainly of odorless vapors: carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sometimes methane. Unpleasant gas comes from the putrefaction of food proteins into sulfur gases in your large intestine or from carbohydrates that contain indigestible sugars, starches and fiber. These carbohydrates do not break down entirely in the stomach and small intestine because of the small amount or absence of some enzymes. The bacteria in the colon ferment the undigested carbohydrates releasing smelly gases.
Internal cleansing does not help against body odor or bad breath
False. Thousands of people testify that after a colon cleanse body odor or/and bad breath disappeared. Halitosis and body odor are signs of intestinal toxicity. Many people don't know that they are a portable septic tank. When people don't watch what they eat, food residues combined with mucous in the colon build layers of fecal matter that cannot be dissolve with normal bowel movements. Decayed food residues accumulate in the intestines lead to Autointoxication (self-poisoning), in other words is the absorption of the waste products of metabolism, decomposed matter from the intestine, or the result of infected or dead tissue. The toxins can be carried by the blood stream to all parts of the body (like lungs or skin), where the smell will manifest. Colon cleanse dislodges the fecal matter stuck in the intestinal walls, eliminating so the bad breath or/and body odor.
Bad breath and body odor are not a result of food
False. Sulfur containing food such as onions, garlic, broccoli and others produce certain odor that are temporarily. Also other food rich in sulfur, such as dairy, fish and meat. Sugar contribute to halitosis because it is a food for volatile bacteria.
Candida does not cause body odor
Yes, it does. Candida albicans is a yeast that lives in the mouth, throat, intestines and genitourinary tract of most humans and is usually considered to be a normal part of the bowel flora. It belongs to the fungi family. Normally the immune system keeps Candida proliferation under control, but when immune response is compromised, Candida growth can intensified unhindered. The uncontrolled growth of Candida is known as Candida overgrowth or Candidiasis. Medical tests at Imperial College in London has proved that some people with body odor have imbalances affecting the 'friendly bacteria' which live inside all of our digestive systems.
Food intolerance does not cause bo or bb
False. When sorbitol, raffinose, fructose, lactose, sucrose and gluten are not properly digested because of insufficient or lack of enzymes, certain bacteria can break down the food and cause bad smell and bad taste.
Probiotics cannot help in eliminating bo or bb
False. Although some may not experience it, but for some folks probiotics work. It all depends where your odor is originating from. If you have imbalance in your the intestinal microflora, probiotics are the ideal solution. It could be you are intolerant to certain food. In this case probiotic won't help, but the elimination of that particular food will do it.
Helicobacter Pylori causes halitosis
Well, it is known that when an individual is taking antibiotic to eliminate the H. Pylori his halitosis or body smell condition improves. For a while the antibiotic diminishes the quantity of the anaerobic bacteria that are leading to the smell conditions. Once the antibiotic treatment finishes the halitosis or body smell comes back.
Rinsing, drinking or taking bath with hydrogen peroxide
will help cure the smell condition
Hydrogen peroxide may not cure the odor, but alleviate temporarily. Some folk use it to eliminate candida, and they not only have had success getting rid of the candida but also halitosis and chronic body odor. They put a few drops of food grade (35%) peroxide in water and drink it. Other use 3% drugstore peroxide. Just be cautious hydrogen peroxide can be toxic, and it has actually been shown that using hydrogen peroxide on a regular basis can damage the tissues in your mouth.
Antibiotic does not cause bo or bb
False. There are numerous testimonials of people who prove the opposite. Many sufferers remember that their problem started right after an episode of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill friendly and harmful bacteria. This is why it is recommended that once you finish antibiotic treatment you should take probiotics.
Digestive enzymes do not help
Wrong. Some people report that once they started to take enzyme pills with every food, the odor went away.
The fact that it does not work for one, it does not mean it won't work for others. It is the author's personal belief.